Faith Bible College & Training Centre
Informing – Instructing - Equipping.
Module One: Degree in Theology
New Creation Realities - a study in who we are and what we have in Christ.
The Three Dimensions of Man - a study of man’s spirit, soul and body.
Renewing The Mind - a study in renewing the mind, (the will, intellect and emotions) with the Word of God.
The Believer’s Authority - a study in the authority that the believer possesses.
Substitution & Identification - a study into the work of Christ in his death, burial & resurrection and our identification with Christ.
Concepts of Faith - a study into the foundations of faith. Covering, what faith is, how to loose your faith, faith & confession and more.
Prayer - a study into all aspects of prayer-including intercession, the prayer of faith and how to have a successful prayer life.
Holiness - a study in holy living and separation unto God.
Salvation-a study into our salvation in Christ'
Knowing The Holy Spirit - a study into the Spirit led life though the Holy Spirit dwelling in us.
The Christian Life-a study into a victorious life.
Payer & Fasting-a study of fasting and prayer in the believers life.
Biblical Prosperity - a study into prospering God’s way and the laws of prosperity
Module Two Courses: B.A. in Theology
Divine Healing.-a study into our right to be healed.
Demonology-a study into the origin of demons and how to deal with them.
The Blood Covenant - a study in the covenants of God and the blood of Jesus.
The God Kind of Faith 1and 2-a study into the historic and scriptural truth of Mark 11:22
Understanding The Anointing – a study in the anointing, what it is and how to flow in it.
The Ministry of Angels-a study into angels and how they work for the believer.
The Power & Authority of the Name-a study into the Name of Jesus.
Full Gospel Fundamentals-a study into the doctrine of Pentecostal churches.
Personal Evangelism - a study in effective witnessing and soul winning.
The Ministry of Helps - a study into the supportive helps ministry.
Module Three Courses: Masters in Theology
The Five-Fold Ministry – a study of the Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher
Calling and Separation – a study of one’s calling and their separation unto it.
Church Government – a Scriptural understanding of how the local Church functions and its leadership
Ministerial Excellence – a study in the ethics of ministry and having an excellent spirit.
Spiritual Gifts - a study in the operation and manifestation of the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Full Gospel Fundamentals-a study into the doctrine of Pentecostal churches.
Doctrines of Christ – a study in the tenets of Christ in Hebrews 6.1-2.
Hermeneutics - a study in Biblical interpretation and rightly dividing the Word.
Module Four Courses: Doctor of Theology
Pneumatology - a study into the person of the Holy Spirit
Eschatology - a study of end time event and the second coming of Christ.
Azzusa Street & Beyond - a study into the great 2oth century outpouring of revival.
British Pentecostal Pioneers -a study into the great example of these pioneers.
A 5,000 worded dissertation will be required to complete the doctorate degree. The dissertation shall be a choice of any of the Module four courses that the student desires.
For those who successfully complete the Module one course a degree in Theology will be awarded. Those who successfully complete the first and second module courses will be awarded a degree of B.A in Theology. Those who successfully complete the module one, two and three courses will be awarded a Master degree in Theology.
Those who have gained a masters degree can go on to study module four which if successful they will be awarded for a doctorate of Theology degree.